
Japanese Product Design Database

9:13:30 AM    

SigmaTek X-Bay

sigmatek_xbay.jpg imageI bet it won't be too long before all external hard drive enclosures come with a commodity MPEG-4 decoder chip and video out hardware built right in. SigmaTek is selling this X-Bay "Multi-media Hard Drive" for $euro;330 with a 40GB hard drive¡Xnot much of a deal, really. But they also sell it without the hard drive for just £á200;¡Xthat's not much of a deal, either, I grant you, but the ability to plop in whatever size drive I can get for cheap (and £á130; can buy a lot more storage than 40GB, for sure, even in 2.5-inch hard drives) makes it a lot more attractive. While empty USB 2.0 and FireWire enclosures are about a third to a quarter of the price of this thing right now, it's not like MP3 and DivX decoding is a moving target. By this time next year I wouldn't be surprised to see enclosures like this for less than £á100.

For our American readers, one Euro is equivalent to about 30 pounds of Idaho Russet Potatoes or 17 deprecated file extensions. (Thanks, Jive!)

Multi-media Hard Drive X-Bay [SigmaTekComputer]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
9:10:05 AM    

Bruce Sterling's (c)lamp

clamp_lamp.jpg imageThis is what makes America great. A writer of science fiction can also find work as a technology pundit, which in turn nets him enough money¡Xand freedom¡Xto design the World's Least Attractive Lamp. In many countries, people are run through with pig iron skewers just for writing science fiction, let alone making glowing orange rind monstrosities. It is a testament to our great society that we suffer Bruce Sterling to explore the heights of photonic faux pas without fear of retribution or accusation that he stole it from his grandmother's macrame class.

The (c)lamp is nearing production as they finish "ironing out final manufacturing details." It's hard to keep that many factory workers stoned, for instance.

(c)lamp. [FunFurde]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
9:08:58 AM    

韓國e-Learning Expo 2004

數位學習技術中心   陳人豪

        隨著e-Learning的逐漸興起,韓國也積極的推動執行,在去年底英國經濟學人更評論韓國e-Learning的準備度,為亞洲第一,凌駕於新加坡及 我國。韓國政府不僅務實的在教育體系及訓練機構裡,大力推行e-Learning在課程上的實際運用;並且視e-Learning產業為知識經濟的成長引 擎,帶領著改進教育及經濟效率的社會趨勢。
        在這樣的重視程度下,韓國工商業能源部(Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy ,MOCIE)委託韓國e-Learning產業協會(Korea e-Learning Industry Association ,KELIA),著手舉辦國際性e-Learning展覽,第一次在去年舉辦e-Learning Expo,主要聚焦在歐亞e-Learning活動(Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)2003),今年十月又將在韓國盛大舉行,規模將會是去年的4倍。宣傳活動將不再僅限於其韓國本土的媒體雜誌,甚至將聯繫其他國家,例如,英 國、愛爾蘭、日本、德國、台灣….等做聯合的宣傳。而參展關注範圍將為更廣泛,遍及e-Learning軟、硬體,大致項目介紹如下表---




邵小姐,電話:03-4227151 ext 34841。

9:05:28 AM    


數位學習技術中心 黃進烽

   根據Korea Times在7/29之報導,韓國商業、產業暨能源部(Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy; MOCIE)表示,經由e-Learning 產業發展法之頒布,韓國政府將大力支持將以知識為主的線上教育產業列為韓國之核心產業。


  在e-Learning 產業發展法下,來自八個部會的代表,包括MOCIE、人力資源暨教育部(Ministry of Human Resources & Education)、財政暨經濟部(Ministry of Finance & Economy)、規劃暨預算部(Ministry of Planning & Budget)等,將成立一個針對e-Learning產業發展的專門委員會,並負責e-Learning產業之發展規劃與執行。


  由於政府鼓勵家庭使用網際網路來作為私人家教費用外的另一個選擇,韓國e-Learning市場目前集中在初中與高中學生之課程,此外Cyber University也佔市場一大塊的比重。




9:04:25 AM    

台灣數位學習產值 今年估逾40億
政策推動600萬戶寬頻到家 政府端、企業端、個人端待發掘商機多 


根據資訊工業策進會教育訓練處的調查,去年台灣在數位學習方面的產值為新台幣22億元,今年更將超過40億元,在政府大力推動「e-Taiwan計畫」,六年內 600萬戶寬頻到家的政策目標下,對於數位學習而言,在政府端、企業端、個人端都有待發掘的商機。
 資策會教育訓練處處長李進寶表示,在華人市場方面,在語文與文化的既有優勢下,台灣的數位學習領域比起韓國更容易拿下華人市場,而韓國的數位學習多由政 府與企業推動,整體學術界的研究能量不如台灣,因此台灣雖然目前在 e化指標上略遜於韓國,但未來仍有機會達成亞洲最e化國家的目標。
李進寶指出,要推動數位學習,最重要的還是觀念的扭轉,舉例而言,如果部分教授或學生連最基本的上網或收發電子郵件(e-mail)都有問題,那要談到將 大學課程數位化、或是教學環境的數位化談何容易。他認為,未來政府應針對數位學習課程建立認證制度,增強民眾對於數位學習內容的信心,在人才培育方面也應 採取更為積極的態度,對於台灣整體 e化環境的推展,將更有助益。

9:03:57 AM    

Swatch Paparazzi Watch Reviewed

swatch_papapap_rev.jpg imageI still think the Swatch Paparazzi MSN Direct Watch looks like something that comes with a Happy Meal, but if you've got a Super Size for SPOT watches then you should probably check out this review¡Xthey don't get much more detailed for something that only has like five functions.

Also, I can't believe Swatch is still pushing their hokey 'Internet Time' fake metric thing. It's like Ford trying to tell you their new Mustang can do 10000 'Internet Miles' per hour. Whoa, that'd be fast.

Review of the Swatch Paparazzi MSN Direct (SPOT) Watch (Tech Watches, Watch Reviews) [WatchReport]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
8:27:09 AM    

Bluetooth Motorcycle Helmet Roundup

Momo_Fighter_Helmet.jpg imageOver the past several months, motorcycle helmet manufacturers have begun introducing Bluetooth equipped helmets, allowing for improved communication while straddling your hog on the open road. Whether you intend to talk on your Bluetooth-equipped phone or just chat with your passenger (or, presumably, other nearby bikers) a Bluetooth mic + speakers in your helmet is bound to make the process a whole lot easier. Bikes in the Fast Lane brings us this roundup of the five helmets announced so far, including the popular Momo Fighter (pictured) with Bluetooth addon. Looks like they're mostly hitting the market in the first quarter of 2005, with price tags up to $1,000 or more.

Blutooth Motorcycle Helmet Roundup [via Blueserker]

- Ryan [Gizmodo]
8:24:33 AM