Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

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  Friday, September 03, 2004

Fulfillment can be found in Many Places  ( On Life)


We form mostly our life’s theories on the people we meet, the circumstance we experience, and the books we read. As they say,  if you spend your years in a suburban city, or in a big city, or you associate mostly with church going people, or hard nosed businessmen, then you can form radically different conclusions on life, people and business.  These are not necessarily always correct, but then again, your perception defines your thoughts and who is to say you are not right?


I looked  therefore at people who work in emergency section of  hospitals, and I see that they just constantly meet a stream of people who have been stabbed, robbed, or meet with bad accidents or illnesses, and I told myself that the people there will need a very strong contra dose of positive experiences, or they simply will form a very pessimistic view of life. I see people whose workplace, like some government offices, courts or police stations, is constantly bombarded with people trying to outmaneuver each other, and there has to be some very strong inner defense to make sure you don’t succumbed to a skewed view of life.


For the last twenty years since college, I have been fortunate that I have mostly dealt with people who have been very determined and industrious to get better in life.  I have also had the good fortune of associating with hundreds of good motivational self help authors who have strengthen me with their positive challenges on meeting life’s problems.  Thus, I have formed the conclusion somewhat that most of the people can be motivated by a challenging job, and a clear plan of success.  If you can show them a detailed plan on how they can become better people and success in life, then they will reward this back with dedicated and focused work. That has been the basis for the growth of my business, but occasionally, and more often, you do find that there are exceptions, and you start to revisit this theory on how applicable it really is.


Obviously, this kind of theory is a little bit oversimplified, and some people will fault me why it took me so long to even consider that there are very obvious exceptions to this thinking, but many of us do form sometimes very straightforward stereotypes especially if our experience have been overwhelmingly pointing to the conclusion.  Strong advocates of challenging jobs have obviously been professors, writers, or businessmen like me who undoubtedly make our career choices because we want jobs that would give us recognition and challenge, and we start to think that all people think like us.


However, a survey did estimate that probably more than 60% of the workers actually is trying to meet their fulfillment in other areas other than their job.  For a lot of people, work is simply something that will never excite or challenge them, nor do they expect growth opportunities.  Many people would choose a higher pay, but would be content to receive their current pay if the extra reward would mean they get out of their comfort zones, or make them change their lifestyle to stretch out a little bit or make them venture into unfamiliar things.  Work is just something that allows them to earn something to pay their bills, and many are seeking challenge outside work life in golf, sports, friends, bar hopping, or many are actually comfortable and happy spending this in front of the television set.  More and more people are finding fulfillment in their families, and this is a positive development.


The takeout of this is simple.  If you find it your utmost challenge to grow your business and looking for people to work with you on it, it is well that you recognize and actually go out and get people who have similar thinking.  Thus, your plan of action would strike a responsive chord.  There is nothing more difficult than trying to convince somebody, however talented,  who thinks their priority in life is their family, their religion, their leisure, and their careers ( in that order) and put him in a job that would entail commitment and dedication.


As they say and I start to understand with ever more clarity – different strokes for different folks.

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