Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

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  Thursday, September 23, 2004


Being busy without prioritizing  (on life)


I debated with myself whether this goes under the heading of business, or whether it should be in life, but finally decided that being able to prioritize was not only something that you need to be effective in business, but also in living life.


I tried to observe some of my colleagues and friends, and I think one of the things I observe is how many of us fail to prioritize. 


Many people just simply list down the things or task that they need to do, and often do one of the other.  The more methodical will go through the list starting with task number 1, then 2, then 3 and so on.  For most of us, we normally go through the list, and more likely do the easy ones first. Unfortunately, the easy tasks are seldom the most important ones, and therein lies the problem.  We are now busier than ever, and few people really gets around to ever have the time to do everything they want to do, and there IS a problem when only the easy tasks keeps getting done, and more difficult and important ones keep being postponed.


That would not be a problem if we force ourselves to realize that we are not really moving forward by keeping postponing the inevitable but unpleasant task, and somehow there is something in ourselves that keeps justifying that we were just too busy ( and we were already doing so many things – many unimportant things) that there was a very good excuse to hold off.


Too often, there are arguments that why did you not do task A?  and the excuse was that he was just too busy doing task B.  It would be OK if task B was the more important, but what if it is not?  Do you get the feeling that somehow, either in life, or in managing a business, you or the person himself is losing because they fail to prioritize?  Maybe that is one of the essential skills you should start looking at if you are serious in winning in business ….  and in life?



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One of the Best Delicacies in the World  (tidbits)

One of the food you should try if you have a chance is sea urchin, or fondly called by the Japanese as Uni.  I have not seen it offered in Western restaurants, but it should be available in Japanese.  The above picture is the raw form.  This is the one that is full of thorns, but if you can get it fresh, and open it, it looks like as below.  Some serve it with the original cask, but some just serve the inside.  This has to be eaten fresh, but it has a taste that is out of this world!



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High court 'rules' vs love   (news)

Here is an interesting bit of news .... 

The Philippine Supreme Court has upheld a pharmaceutical company's policy prohibiting its employees from marrying employees of a rival firm, saying that it is a valid exercise of management prerogative to ensure "maximum profit and business success."

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