Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

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  Thursday, September 30, 2004

Leadership Quotes:   (quotes)

Here are some of the favorite quotes on leadership and management that I come across that I would like to share.  The last quote is a great case of leadership by example:

It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.                           ----  Brin

we have, i fear, confused power with greatness.                          -----  Udall

we thought, because we had power, we had wisdom.           ----   Benet

Children have never been good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.

-----  James Baldwin


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Agenda Setters 2004   (news)

Silicon.com havepublished the list of the top business leaders, technologists, entrepreneurs and politicos that help set the agenda for technology.  I thought I knew the industry, but I really did not know 3 of the top 5 who are: ( I know Steve Jobs no. 2 and Tom Ridge no. 4)

1.) Ashley Highfield - director of New Media and Technologies, BBC

2.) Steve Jobs - CEO of Apple Computers and Pixar Animation.  From NO. 1 last year.

3.) Niklas Zennstrom - co founder and CEO of Skype, revolutionary technology for peer to peer voice calling.

4.) Tom Ridge - US Secretary of Homeland Security.  With $40 billion to spend, that makes him influential!

5.) David Blunkett - UK Home Secretary. Spearheaded the UK ID project, one of the biggest government IT projects.

The others I would know ( that I did not expect to be that less influential) would be Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds who tie with at no. 7.  Meg Whitman of Ebay at no. 13, Sam Palmisano of IBM at no. 27, Michael Dell of Dell at no. 34,  Hu Jintao, China Premiere at no. 41, and Ratan Tata of India's Tata Consultancy at no. 45.  Full List here.






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