Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

This is the main page which contains all postings. The reader can also choose a category: techdrivenlife, on life, on businessquotes, jokes, tidbits & reading reviews.  A new category, EntrepreViews, talks on entrepreneurship and also answer reader's queries.


  Monday, September 27, 2004

Reverse Migration: From Linux to Windows   (news)

Ziff Davis - The number of enterprises migrating from Windows to Linux is a growing concern for Microsoft. But it's not a one-way street. Some companies—unhappy with their open-source experience—are making the switch back to Windows. [Yahoo! News - Technology]


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Sun and Red Hat at War on Each Other   (news)

It seems that there is at least a word war between Sun and Red Hat, or specifically Jonathan Schwartz, Sun's President and Michael Tiedmann, Red Hat's Chief of marketing.  If you want to get the details, check out the Register.  

It started that apparently Sun has been hurt a lot from Linux, and they decided they could not tackle  Linux, but they could attack Red Hat.  Previous postings of Schwartz have been critical of Red Hat as well as HP and IBM's support of it.  Tiedmann retaliated with his own blog what he thought about Sun.



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7 Essential Resources for Small Businesses  (news)

by Jinger Jarrett

click here to check out the tips and resources you can use to set up a small business online.


12:05:23 PM     comment []   trackback []

Linux support a 'black hole'   (news)

Industry murmurs about a lack of commercial support for Linux are justified, according to Education in the Workplace Institute director Ihian Mackenzie who believes the "free" nature of Linux is stifling its penetration in the business market.

Mackenzie also says there are not enough skills available to administer Linux systems appropriately.  ( click on title to read the whole story)




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