Scobleizer Weblog

Today's Stuff Friday, November 09, 2001

Microsoft: Too much control of the Web?. ZDNet Nov 8 2001 7:54PM ET...

Should KaZaA users beware?. Has anyone else using KaZaA media desktop been invaded with viruses? Students at the high school where I work have downloaded KaZaA on every PC that they could, and I've been going around deleting it as fast as I could, because of the pr0n files they were downloading along with the mp3's. Now we've come under siege by viruses, mostly nimda and loveletter, and they all came attached to files downloaded via KaZaA. It has made for a frantic couple of weeks at work, I can tell you. It seems that not only other parasite spyware programs, but also viruses are piggybacking on the service. (comments) [MetaFilter by Stapler]

Nvidia coffers fill with cash. Recession? What recession? [The Register]