Scobleizer Weblog

Today's Stuff Thursday, November 15, 2001

Govt. Defends Microsoft Settlement. The Justice Department sought Thursday to convince the judge in the Microsoft Corp. antitrust case that its landmark settlement with the software giant will help consumers and rein in the company's illegal business behavior. [AP Tech News]

Evan Williams is trying something new. Lightweight advertising for webloggers. [Scripting News]

Creating RSS. Chris Ball shows us how to turn any ordinary news site into a Remote Site Summary web service. []

IM Race Heats Up: Yahoo!, MSN Gaining Ground. AOL remains at the top of the heap but Microsoft's messenger showed a 94 percent jump in IM users from a year ago while Yahoo! saw gains of 25 percent. [ Top News]

Imagine a world without Java. Not easy, when you've got XP [The Register]