Scobleizer Weblog

Today's Stuff Monday, November 19, 2001

Just testing stuff. More news to come soon.

John Robb sticks his neck out. "I hope I am wrong. If I am not, you heard it here first."  [Scripting News]

Net researcher bulks up its library. Ebrary, backed by Adobe Systems Chairman John Warnock, announces partnerships with a trio of major publishers that will expand its virtual bookshelves. [CNET Media]

C# From A Java Developer's Perspective. C# From A Java Developer's Perspective. A comparison betwixt Java & C# over on Kuro5hin - pretty good rundown of the differences. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service]

Microsoft apologizes in security flap. The company says it knew about an Internet Explorer flaw--and failed to issue a fix--a week before it accused a security company of putting IE users at risk by revealing the hole. [CNET Enterprise]

Programming with C# - 101. Nov 19 2001 12:40PM ET [Webmaster tips]

C# From A Java Developer's Perspective. The C# language is an object-oriented language that is aimed at enabling programmers to quickly build a wide range of applications for the Microsoft .NET platform. The goal of C# and the .NET platform is to shorten development time by freeing the developer from worrying about several low level plumbing issues such as memory management, type safety issues, building low level libraries, array boundschecking , etc. thus allowing developers to actually spend their time and energy working on their application and business logic instead. As a Java developer the previous sentence could be described as "a short description of the Java language and platform" if the words C# and the .NET platform were replaced with words Java and the Java platform. What follows is an overview of similarities and differences between the language features and libraries of the C# and Java programming languages based on my experience using both languages. All code snippets below were tested on Microsoft's .NET Framework Beta 2 for C# snippets and Java™ 2, Standard Edition (J2SE™) version 1.4 Beta 2 for the Java snippets. []

Good morning. This is just a test of the news page.