Scobleizer Weblog

Today's Stuff Saturday, November 10, 2001

Jobless rate reaches 7-year high. Silicon Valley, a job-hunter's delight less than a year ago, on Friday posted its highest unemployment rate in seven years. State figures show that Santa Clara County's unemployment rate rose to 6.4 percent in October, up from 6 percent in September and four times higher than the 1.6 percent in October 2000. [ Mercury Center]

The excellent Ben Charny reports on MobileStar's mysterious return to full existence: the company was just as vague with him as they were in their email. However, he did get a comment from the corporation. Leading contenders for offering new funding or a takeover of MobileStar were Voicestream, Nextel, and Microsoft. Let's see who comes forward. [80211b News]