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Monday, December 1, 2003

Remember the california recall? Well, here in the netherlands we're about to witness a similar procedure in a referendum. Only this will be about surrendering our dutch constitution to that of the European Union. Think about that for a second if your're a US citizen. Wouldn't that be weird? Perhaps just as weird if you could've surfed to a website to watch the founding fathers actually write the constitution. This scenario is being played out as we speak, as the European constitution is soon to be ratified.

Obviously, not everyone is happy about this change. The dutch digital lawyer writes: "The Dutch are real trade people, they don’t give away easily. And signing the proposed EU Constitution is getting nothing in return, because all the things this EU constitution thinks to organize is organized already in a better way than the proposal proposes."

The information flow to the web from the EU is pretty darned good, no weblogs to be found [yet] ofcourse, but we're working on that :)

You can subscribe to updates via email, unfortunately no rss to be found. Hope someone gets that working on [at least] the news page.

This is going to be interesting to follow, especially since I'm not allowed to vote in either the referendum or at the European level as I am a US citizen.
3:12:12 PM    

Tody is world AIDS day. Five people worldwide die of AIDS every minute of every day. HIV has hit every corner of the globe, infecting more than 42 million men, women and children, 5 million of them last year alone.
10:28:26 AM    

Ik heb een hoop te doen vandaag, deze week begint mijn 'ground school' training, dat is nodig voor mijn 'check-ride', oftewel vliegexamen op de 29e. Natuurlijk nog wel even tijd genomen om een kiekje met Tatjana te maken. Boeiend verhaal over haar leven gehoord vanmorgen in het programma. Verder ben ik ook wel ff bezig om het 'erotische' gedeelte van haar cd te 'kraken' daar mijn dvd speeler op de mac niet toelaat dat ik de 'geheime' code invoer :(
10:03:32 AM    

Het pak heeft goed geholpen, gisteren was een success. Belangrijker misschien is dat ik de families van de GMV krew mocht ontmoeten. De 'kinderhoek' was een uitstekend idee van Daan :) Er volgen fotos van een 'echte' camera, maar ik kon het niet laten om toch met de nokia te proberen iets van het buitenscherm te laten zien. De koffie staat klaar in Wamel!

Bijna kwart over 4, ik ga bollen naar hillywood, Tatjana is gast vandaag.
4:12:38 AM    


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