dutchmedia meldt [vermeend] schrikbarende uitlatingen van Joaquin Agut, de telefonica direkteur die onlangs bij endemol de macht kreeg. Ik hoop dat iemand een kopie van het originele interview kan bemachten.
11:30:54 AM
Hrmmpf. Vanavond ben ik gevraagd mijn bruid te vergezellen naar de miljonairsbeurs. argh. Gelukkig moet ik op tijd naar huis om te slapen :)
11:08:19 AM
The weekend the european union dukes it out for control as the ratification of the all-new european constitution draws closer. It's already being called the Battle of Brussels, with Poland already on the score board.
10:03:01 AM
Woooooohoooooooo! Last night I completed my nite training as required for my helicopter pilot's license. Ofcourse I was so busy with flight-prep thtat I covered everything, but...forgot my 'real' camera. So the quality is crappy, but these photos from my gsm-cam give a reasonable impression of the experience. We did a couple patterns at Antwerp airport and later landed on my private helipad.
9:07:16 AM