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Monday, January 12, 2004

Bill Maher points to Doodles of Mass Destruction.
11:31:54 PM    

Motley Fool reports that Royal Dutch (Shell) was restating its financials going back to 1996 because about 20% of its proven reserves were not actually proven. Nothing about his in the dutch press, yet.
10:27:11 PM    

Dit bracht me op een idee. Morgen hebben we Bram Moszkowicz te gast in de ochtend show. Wat wil je aan hem vragen?
10:07:16 PM    

Salon: "Expanding space exploration is a wonderful aspiration for America and humanity -- and also quite promising for the Houston economy, the national aerospace industry, and one company in particular that has long pondered exploration of the red planet: Halliburton."
9:52:44 PM    

Zojuist Muntz en Van de Wint gezien. Dit zijn mijn nieuwe helden.
8:34:52 PM    

20/20 HS: "At New York's Kennedy airport today, an individual later discovered to be a public school teacher was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a setsquare, a slide rule, and a calculator."
7:50:24 PM    

If you're subscribed to my rss feed, please check to see it's the current location:
7:46:03 PM    

I may not be much of a developer, but this page cracked me up. !($foot =-/left/) # ! read as "Bang!"
11:29:06 AM    

Je weet toch wat ze zeggen over mannen met grote voeten...
11:20:59 AM    

Philips overspoelt de ochtendkranten met hun 'platte tvs'. Ik geloof ook zeker in de grote van de markt die 'plat' wil kijken, maar denk dat wij een beter systeem hebben. Just ask Cyclone :)

Gelijk even van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om Humphry van multi-catering te bedanken voor het voeren van de krew op de Horecava!
10:01:02 AM    

Lizelotte van Dijk was vanmorgen te gast. Origineel uit Belgie. Morgen Bram Moscovitz.
9:30:00 AM    

I'm not showing up on the Top 100, because half of the folks are subscribed to my old feed location (which still maintains a copy) of my rss. Regardless, I'm posting a fun picture as requested :)
8:04:02 AM    

Ik zegm het wordt een leuke week!
4:32:05 AM    


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