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Sunday, January 25, 2004

8:21:39 PM  

Alex heeft de lineup voor de week gepost.
5:46:59 PM    

Michael Powell, chairman of the FCC: "If you're going to say to me that Voice over IP is something that needs regulation, then you're going to have to explain to me why e-mail isn't also, or streaming video or instant messaging is not also."
3:44:10 PM    

Thaaise premier Shinawatra wist ruim voor het bezoek van Beatrix dat er een nieuwe vorm van vogel pest was uitgebroken. ...laat twee van hun criminelen los, dan missen die stomme kaaskoppen het echte neiws...
3:39:33 PM "In de loop van dinsdag neemt de wisselvalligheid vanuit het westen toe. De neerslag valt dan voornamelijk in de vorm van sneeuw. Ook woensdag en donderdag belooft er aardig wat sneeuw naar beneden te komen."
3:23:56 PM    

Legendary Dutch athlete Fanny Blankers-Koen has died at the age of 85.
2:21:00 PM    

Yvonne: "Ik was afgelopen weekend in London, samen met Patricia en we hebben weer enorm genoten. Er was nog uitverkoop, maar de nieuwe collecties waren volop in de winkels."
1:24:22 PM    

I really don't understnd what all the hoopla is about over the Dean battle-cry. From what I read about it I was expecting something really heinous. Looked to me like a guy who was rallying his troops to continue into battle, perhaps one that his forces can't even win. He actually acted, err, human.

From where I stand (about 5 thousand miles away) this 'incident' is being misused by the media to crush the Dean campaign. Witness the Diane Sawyer interview, where Sawyer blatently predicts this will hurt the campaign.

Huh? Are American voters viewers that easy to manipulate?

Note: I'm not backing any candidate yet, but this event surely has me more interested in Dean. I'm also looking at Wesley Clark, seeing as two of my favourite people are endorsing him.
1:14:30 PM    

H. L. Hunt: "Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.
12:45:44 PM    


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