With a little bit of osx commandline hacking and a modification to iChat I created a Today in History server you can access by iChatting me (or via AIM) at adamcurry@mac.com
Pretty simple stuff really, I'm passing the following unix script off to the iChat app:
echo "Here's today's history. You must wait 10 minutes before you can ask for this again."
echo ""
cat /usr/share/calendar/calendar.* | grep `date +"%m/%d"`
echo ""
echo "pinging AC..."
I just paid for a second seat license for an awesome piece of independently developed software for OSX: Launch Bar. It allows you to open any app, folder, file or document straight from your keboard. Even preference panes can be called up individually. I already had a copy running on my home mac, I really missed it on the laptop. Or put in geek: it's like emacs for your gui :)
8:20:15 PM
Luc van Brakel: "Vroeg of laat zal België uiteenvallen in twee republieken. De kloof tussen Noord en Zuid wordt steeds groter, men is het over steeds minder eens." Zou dit ook met nederland kunnen gebeuren?
1:35:56 PM