> JY's Weblog > Sam 16 mars 2002

JY's Weblog

 samedi 16 mars 2002

Championnat de France - Nantes enfonce Monaco 2-1 bien! Nantes est 12ème.

New Jean-Louis Gassée piece: Le joyeux désordre de l'Ethernet sans-fil (no perma link yet, it's obvious they update these pages by hand...) About Wifi products [Update: permalink]

eh, I've just discovered this link on Scripting News homepage : pick a random Davenet!

Nokia 7210: "With radical design and high resolution color display, the Nokia 7210 makes things happen in color. Download interesting applications using Java(tm) technology, enjoy music with the stereo FM radio, or personalize your phone with full screen wallpapers. The Nokia 7210 is designed to awaken your senses." Wow, looks like mobile phones get interesting again.

The Nokia 3410 - Get Ready for Wireless Java

CeBIT 2002: Logitech se lance dans les claviers pour Palm

Logiciel libre : Mandrake à court d'argent

Ah enfin des infos sur la Renault Thalia, voiture que j'ai aperçue à Budapest et qui n'existe pas en France.

Come on JY, go up! Come on! I'm near to be dropped under the 100 mark. Eh you don't you see the XML icon on the left? It's not for loosers, come on subscribe and make me go up on the list. You won't regret it. And in a thousand years, when I'll be number 1, I'll give you a present.

Brainstorming: a car outliner, a washing machine outliner, a coffee outliner, a metaoutliner (very cool), a phone outliner, a trousers outliner, an outliner outliner (wow), a cat outliner, a reversed outliner, a soccer outliner, a World outliner, a Universe outliner. well, outliners everywhere (No, I'm not drunk, really believe me I never drink).

In case you still not have noticed: Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner = Dave Winer = Outliner

Hey, you still not have read this BobF piece?! Come on! I won't link to it 10 times so read it now!

use Perl: "This is the last developer release before the major release of 5.8.0 in April or May".

Do you want to be a Web Developer for Yahoo! Travel? (syndication feed)

Superflu, Mes Morts : "Mes morts il faut croire, Etaient des gens pressés..."

Go Baby Go Go! (lyrics)

Get the coool, Get the coooooooool shoe shine! (lyrics)

Radio Userland: Driver architecture for the aggregator

Somewhere on the Net: "My name is Bull Mancuso. This is my instant outline. Go fuck yourself. No kidding." Who is this Bull Mancuso?!

Halley again: "Opps, yeah, I forgot. As for French brands, the French language is the most incredible language in the world. It outbrands all brands. It's so emotional. It's so sexy. It's so beautiful. [...] Or listen to some French music." Yes, listen to Superflu

Halley, I'm not sure about your question about "Les Musts". The term sounds quite French. "C'est un must" is a regular expression. And for your analyze of French brands advantages, I totally, totally agree with you that France has sexy men.

Rozenn, jeune prof parachutée en banlieue parisienne : "Il a fait beau, aujourd'hui. Comme un printemps qui donnerait le sentiment de pointer le bout de son nez. J'ai même vu deux personnes sourire dans le RER ! C'est une de ces journées où l'on a l'impression que les insurmontables problèmes de la veille sont devenus des broutilles que l'on gère comme un roi. Le pire monstre de ma classe a travaillé pour la première fois de l'année. Je suis passée au travers des grèves de la RATP. J'ai perdu 200 grammes. Mon ficus a enfin cessé de se laisser mourir pour faire une jolie petite pousse. Bref, c'est une belle journée ! " Rozenn, tu ne retentes pas le coup des poêmes de ta classe sur le web, comme l'année dernière?

Top cool, I'm a WeblogStar because a search for my firstname on Google finds me first.

The Internet is Missing by Bob Frankston: "The simple architecture that gave us an environment so hospitable to innovation and growth is missing. Here are some steps to bring it back."

Joel has updated his Book Reviews page.

Texte du groupe Noir Désir à Jean-Marie Messier pendant les Victoires de la Musique : "Nous n'avons pas demandé à faire partie de ce grand 'Tout' que tu diriges, que tu manipules, que tu récupères : critiques, médias, missives comme la présente y compris. Allez, Salut à toi Camarade P.D.G de la Nouvelle Internationale d'Universal, nous ne sommes pas dupes de ton manège, et si nous sommes tous embarqués sur la même planète, on n'est décidément pas du même monde. "

Les joueurs de Nantes tentent de se "ressouder" : "Les joueurs de Nantes (D1 de football) se sont entretenus une quarantaine de minutes à l'abri des regards, sans la présence de leur entraîneur et de leurs dirigeants, à l'issue du décrassage jeudi matin, pour "ressouder le groupe", selon le défenseur Nicolas Laspalles."

Why mod_perl?: "mod_perl 2.0 is being developed at this very moment and will benefit enormously from the new Apache and Perl features. The most important improvement will be a reduced process size -- a parsed Perl opcodes tree will be almost completely shared between threads of the same process."

Stopping Spam with SpamAssassin: "SpamAssassin is a rule-based spam identification tool. It's written in Perl, and there are several ways of using it: You can call a client program, spamassassin, and have it determine whether a given message is likely to be spam; you can do essentially the same thing but use a client/server approach so that your client isn't always loading and parsing the rules each time mail comes; or, finally, you can use a Perl module interface to filter spam from a Perl program." "SecurID Module for Apache is a module, dedicated to the Apache server, that provides the RSA SecurID strong authentication".

Some HighScores for  Ghosts 'n Goblins.

Bonjour bonjour.

Le W3C et les éditeurs : de l'eau dans le gaz ?

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