> JY's Weblog > Jeu 28 mars 2002

JY's Weblog

 jeudi 28 mars 2002

My Philosophy at Microsoft

From the "I'm so stupid" department: (if you use Radio, you'll laugh) I had just finished to write the previous post in the home page in the browser, and instead of clicking on the "post" button, I made a "CTRL-S" on the keyboard. How stupid I am

Adam Curry: "Since outlining isn't taught in european schools [I understand most US schools do teach this art] I never really saw the pure and simple potential of hierarchies, nodes, subheads etc." I had never heard of outliners one year ago. I still not have found a good French translation for it.

1500 Microsoft employees launched pizzas in direction of Bill Gates today at Redmond It had to happen.

Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads Ah ah ah, all these April Fool jokes are really very funny. My stomach will explose.

Dans la série "bonjour les cons", on ne sait toujours pas pourquoi Karembeu s'est fait siffler hier au Stade de France : Le club des supporters de l'équipe de France derrière Karembeu.

Oh, I forgot to tell that France soccer team has defeated Scotland 5-0 yesterday evening. Have I ever said that we will win the World Cup next June in Japan/Korea? Maybe we could even send the B-team and still win?!

CSV with Java If you have to read CSV files, even broken Excel CSV...

Benoit c'est mieux comme ça

Nokia Launches Java Broker Service

Benoit, t'es sûr de la deuxième convertion?!?...

Test pour Benoit : Right now 100 Euros is equal to [Macro error: Can't open stream because TCP/IP error code -3259 - Connection timed out.] Dollars ! And do you know that 1$ equals [Macro error: Can't open stream because TCP/IP error code -3259 - Connection timed out.] Euros? (What you see is a call from my Desktop to Benoit's desktop somewhere else in France, to get the convertion. Yes this is a WebService :-))

For some reasons I get some display problems in the News Aggregator. Here is a screen shot.

Jake, I've followed steps 1 to 4, but there's nobody subscribed to my outline :-(

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