> JY's Weblog > Sam 23 mars 2002

JY's Weblog

 samedi 23 mars 2002

They Be Jammin' in France

Jean-Louis Gassée: 2 articles for the price of 1 ... Conseil d'admiration (Google English translation) about Enron and Carly Pyrrhus (Google English translation) about Carly Fiorina, HP and Compaq.

Is the html Clock just under this text brocken? hum obviously no. So I'm going to bed. See you later!

John Robb points to a study about using your mobile phone while driving. Ultra short sum-up: don't. mod_perl in 30 minutes

Your Most Important Financial Decision

Rolling Referers Page with PHP/MySQL by Brent.

An interview of Bob Frankston.

Even if I don't understand everything, be careful, I know what is a thingamabob, or a thingamacallit

Fortunately, I'm not completely clueless, so I understand that. Extra fast sum-up: Doc is calling bullshit on people who think the Net is a medium

This is such a powerful sentence from Doc that... I don't understand it! Poor French I am!

Stapler is "an RSS extractor tool for Radio UserLand: it creates syndication feeds from web sites. These feeds can be used with Radio UserLand's News Aggregator or other XML syndication software. General scripts for scraping with CSS-like selectors and regular expressions are included as well as several special purpose scrapers, and Stapler is expandable with your own scraping scripts written in Radio's UserTalk language. Stapler features a full tool website for browser-based configuration and documentation. Stapler is published under a BSD license". (Via Gilles) Very useful...

Mais je t'en prie...

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