I did a slight hack on markpasc spiffy news.txt page for Radio 8. I separated each group of links in a distinct table, lightning fast load time! It's available here. #
Dan Gillmor on Web Services: "If I can be absolutely assured - with performance guarantees that mean something in the real world - that my data will be safe and secure, maybe I'll trust Web Services. But I think I'll wait a while, maybe a long while, before I take the risk." [Via Scripting News] #
PingID Advisors
The Ping Identity Project is moving along rapidly. Andre Durand has reported of seed financing for the commercial setup (the Ping Identity Corporation), and a set of advisors for PingID.org have been named . The names count duplicates of Jabber's Technical and Open Source Advisory Boards - Doc Searls and Craig Burton.
[Via digital-identity.info] #
Positionnement pas CSS, peut-être pas optimal, bugs
Testé seulement avec IE6 Win et Mozilla 0.93 à date... assurément très laid en Netscape 4 mais lisibible quand même! Essayez avec des tables html, ca ressort mais pas si pire par le browser emulator en Netscape 1!
Ca commence à ressembler à l'autre, hehehe!
XML Loading and Parsing
The DOMDocument object allows for the loading, parsing, and manipulation of XML data from within JavaScript. We continue our JavaScript Web services tutorial by showing you how to load an external XML file and check for errors. Javascript and XML == fun!
[Via WebReference News] #
The DOMDocument object allows for the loading, parsing, and manipulation of XML data from within JavaScript. We continue our JavaScript Web services tutorial by showing you how to load an external XML file and check for errors. Javascript and XML == fun!
[Via WebReference News] #