A Frog in the Valley, le weblog de Sylvain Carle, Nouvelles et Opinions. Ou l'inverse.
 Sunday, January 27, 2002

Web Application Standard API (for) Bi-directional Information Interchange
An attempt to create a flexible, yet simple, API, running via XML-RPC, for various web applications running on heterogeneous platforms to communicate and interact.
[Via A Boy and His Basement

Modelling relationships with XML
From a new batch of developerWorks articles.
[Via Eclectic

Emergent structures in information architecture
For the past decade, most of us have practiced classical information architecture. Our centralized teams and top-down methods have been aimed at the creation of stable structures. As we embrace the lessons of complex adaptive systems, we must explore the territory of post-modern innovation architecture, using bottom-up methods to incubate online ecologies and economies that exhibit the capacity to learn and evolve over time
[Via owrede_log via xblog] 

January 2002
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01/27/2002; 10:57:02 PM