Just an idea for Radio veterans, why not adopt a newbie?
One thing I noticed is that new users talk a lot about their experience With Radio on their blog. If you spot someone thru weblogs.com (or any other way) that uses Radio and seems stuck, get in contact with them to help. Try to find someone with whom you share interest, if you are a librarian why not help one, a fellow from the same state or city or someone speaking your native tongue (like myself in french).
This is purely altrusitic and will probably take a few minutes per day, but why not? Give them advice, links and good comment. I remember I once sent a question in an email to Dave and he replied with comments on my weblog and a link on scripting news. I was thrilled, this blog thing was not just a one way thing!
An interesting article on a study of karma, reputation management, and positive reinforcement.
[Via Design for Community]
Research in Motion is developing a new version of its handheld device that will allow people to place phone calls over AT&T Wireless' network.
[Via CNET News.com]
This social science dictionary has 1000 entries covering the disciplines of sociology, criminology, political science and women's study with a commitment to Canadian examples and events and names.
[Via Vincent's Glossblog]
- Les cartes à puces (Univ. Louvain, Belgique)
- Vous familiariser avec Les cartes à puce (technique)
- Quelques mots sur les carte à puces (technique)
- Les cartes bancaires à puce vs. les hackers (intelligenceonline.com)
- L'avenir à la carte (PDF, Survol)
- Yahoo Canada Français > Commerce et économie > Produits et services pour les professionnels > Électronique > Cartes à puces.
The unofficial SlashDot digest. Aussi utile pour Slashdot que Eclectic pour xml-dev!
[Via Hack the Planet]
Fred Allen. "Committee--a group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done."
[Via Quotes of the Day]