A Frog in the Valley, le weblog de Sylvain Carle, Nouvelles et Opinions. Ou l'inverse.
 Thursday, January 24, 2002

Steve Yost's dream of portable discussions. Très intéressant!
[Via Jon's Radio

Doc on the authority of archives:
The Times, like all papers, is worth full value on the day it is printed. After that it's fishwrap. Still it's hard for publishers to get their heads around the fact that what makes their 'content' valuable isn't its nature as a commodity (which the contemptible term 'content' implies), but its timeliness, its authority, and its expression (on paper, today, on my doorstep and on newsstands). That's it. Everything else is gravy. The Times will be worth more as a paper if its archives are exposed on the We — far more, even in the $millions, than the paper is making by selling old stories for $2.95 apiece.

"The Lord of the Rings in Legos"
Je dois avouer, je suis un legomaniaque depuis longtemps. Quelle joie quand un de mes fistons me demande de jouer avec lui! [Daypop Top 40

ebXML au milieu du gué
Huit mois après son "achèvement", les avis à propos de ebXML restent pour le moins partagés entre ceux qui considèrent que ebXML a échoué dans son objectif de terminer ses travaux en mai 2001 et la position officielle d'OASIS pour qui ebXML est un succès total. Discussions, discussions, montrez moi des implémentations! Faites parler les architectes des projets, pas ceux des comités. J'apprécie le travail des comités, mais une recommandation de standard c'est une introduction. Un projet avec des vrais systèmes et de vrais utilisateurs, rien de mieux pour teinter la théorie souvent noire et blanche de teintes de gris.
[Via XMLfr

Adobe InDesign 2.0 Supports Generalized XML Import/Export and the Extensible Metadata Platform. Adobe Systems has announced XML import/export support: one can produce a layout in InDesign, tag the content, and export a structured/tagged XML document. [Via The XML Cover Pages

Seth Godin's blog
Seth is responsible for promulgating the ideas of permission and viral marketing. Nothing more viral that what we're up to here, so let's welcome the dude.
[Via Doc Searls Weblog

Malcolm Forbes: Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. [Via Quotes of the Day

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01/24/2002; 9:01:02 AM