A Frog in the Valley, le weblog de Sylvain Carle, Nouvelles et Opinions. Ou l'inverse.
 Friday, January 18, 2002

Digital Identity Research Links


Phil Becker did a fantastic job finding this list of research links covering the Digital Identity space. Check Them Out!

[Via andredurand.com]


Mike Krus has a good question, he is learning about Scripting in Radio, same for me. [Via radio-dev] (did you know you could subscribe to a Yahoo Group via RSS using this syntax for the feed URL:


Just change radio-dev to whatever group you want to subscribe... I have almost 20 of those in my Radio news aggregator.


Here's one fot he blogicon: doing the referer's dance. Noticing a weblog in your referer and going to visit from there, therefore leaving a trace in that weblog's referers that point to your referer page from his and then go to yours... 

Link tracking experiment
Anyways. I thought it'd be fun to do an experiment. I put together a very simple set of links that you can insert into your pages to automatically track incoming links and echo them back to people who visit your site. Basically it's automated link-exchanging, but hopefully with more interesting results. Hum, cool. Je vais installer ca ce soir sur mes 2 blogs. Ca vient d'une discussion commencée sur la syndication list.
[Via Daypop Top 40]

Paul Andrews Hypodermia.
Kill Windows?
I've long argued that what Microsoft should really do is create a "Kill Windows" team at the company. Build an entirely new OS from scratch, or maybe even base it on the Unix kernel as Apple did with OS X. Interestingly, Microsoft tried this in the late 1980s with NT, which was supposed to transcend Windows into the next generation. Instead the two systems wound up merging into the current hodgepodge. It may be time to break the mold -- spend some of that $36 billion nest egg on real security.Ca serait la meilleure chose à faire, mais ca ne risque pas d'arriver... je me souviens d'un projet de furetuer/éditeur de texte qui est mort dans l'oeuf chez MS mais le nom m'échappe...
[Via Paul Andrews Hypodermia]

[A Frog in the Valley

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01/18/2002; 5:31:32 PM