Robb Beal's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 3/1/02; 9:20:02 AM.


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Monday, February 18, 2002

Where's the OPML that has the community wide Radio ID to weblogger name mapping?

Did anyone answer this? Please post a comment if you did or a link to the person who did.
11:33:08 AM     

Here's an excerpt of my email response to Dave Winer's question "What is Watson?":

Watson's a convenience and experience play. It reduces your time to everything on the web. With the movie tool, your time to tickets is reduced between 2x and 5x. The information density--I sound like Peter Merholz--of the interface is much higher than the browser. You can have n levels of the Yahoo hierarchy on one screen. No back button necessary! It's has platform like qualities in that it's pluggable, limited only by the flexibility of the visual interface needed to organize them. And, many customers tell us that they don't quit the app.

The key phrase above is "experience". The most interesting thing about web services isn't the tech, but the experiences. One of the primary reasons to make tech simple is so that you can spend more time and energy on the experience.
11:28:23 AM     

When I first starting hearing Microsoft hype web services last summer, my initial reaction was that it was an attempt by Microsoft to ensure that they don't have to compete with other brands for user attention. I haven't seen much if any analysis of this angle. If there has been, links would be appreciated.
11:25:26 AM     

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