Robb Beal's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 4/10/02; 9:57:50 AM.


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Friday, March 1, 2002

1-dick buying
3:21:59 PM     

Okay. I pissed Radio off to no end by putting an html tag inside of pre tags in a post. Now I'll spend 15 minutes cleaning up after the mess!

(It was actually pretty painless to fix. Found the post in the Radio outliner and took out the offending part. Went to the W3 to find out how to do it correctly. Made the change. Done. Time: 5 or so minutes.)
3:09:04 PM     

Hire these guys! You won't be sorry.

And, check out the table row mousover trick they use:

Let's see if I get this to work:

<tr onmouseover="'#eff7ff';"
onmouseout="'#FFFFFF';" onclick=
"location.href='design.html';" style="cursor:hand;">

This will be widely imitated!
3:04:55 PM     

As I was coming back to the house from walking the dog this morning, I thought to myself:

Why are we so obsessed with wealth? Does our popular culture really need to celebrate wealth to the extent they/we do? Is it necessary for a healthy economy? Since I believe that the most important wealth generator of our economy is new ideas born of creativity and that creative people are internally motivated to practice their art, it's apparent to me that we would benefit greatly from turning the wealth obsession volume down a few notches.

Where am I going with this? Don't know. I'm pre-caffeine.
9:19:38 AM     

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