Robb Beal's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 4/10/02; 9:57:57 AM.


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Monday, March 11, 2002

Simon St Laurent cuts Macromedia a new anal orifice over Flash MX. Hey Simon, why not have multiple Webs? The one that the W3C is leading that's owned by Microsoft isn't doing very much new for us. Why not have some excitement outside the confines of the cartel?  [Scripting News]

I'm with Dave on this one. If Macromedia comes up with a more compelling story for developers, then they deserve to be successful. This isn't a zero sum game.

The world isn't going to wait for the W3 and its members to provide the tools to deliver productive, desktop like user experiences.
11:03:37 PM     

Here's how I defined Desktop Web App last year, almost to the day!

A desktop web application is any application that:

a) executes primarily on the desktop (not the server)
b) has a desktop OS user experience (eg, takes full advantage of the OS)
c) relies more on local storage than network storage
d) uses Internet and web standards for network plumbing$3091

The last paragraph of that post is the most important part!
10:49:54 PM     

And, where's the "Transitioning from browser-based apps to desktop web apps" (or desktop internet apps) document that describes the analogs that exist, the browser-based concepts that have no analog in desktop web apps, and the terminology differences between these two domains.$6276?mode=day

Still very relevant!
10:46:22 PM     

Jim Roepcke's jumps into the desktop web app naming conundrum.

I've been talking publically about desktop web apps since July of 2000 perhaps earlier:$1271

It's funny how out in front of the market we were!
10:33:28 PM     

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