Robb Beal's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 4/10/02; 9:58:01 AM.


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Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Dave Winer: Imho, Eisner and his ilk were the pirates.

4:02:22 PM     

Radio UserLand makes a cameo on the new Watson 1.5 site too.
11:06:53 AM     

We shipped Watson 1.5 today!

It's a really solid release. (Churn baby, churn!) We had to balance new tools against fixing bugs in existing tools.

In addition to marketing and site design, I did the UI refinement work for this release. (There's a lot more UI work to be done!) Icons are from a great designer named Michael Matas.

Dan Wood, founder and developer, is a world class programmer and a great person to work with.
11:01:56 AM     

© Copyright 2002 Robb Beal.

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