Robb Beal's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 3/1/02; 9:20:07 AM.


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Thursday, February 28, 2002

What up with the recording industry shill sounding so incoherent talking about piracy at the Grammy's? I was so struck by the dishonesty of the words. Here's what I would have said,

Technologies that allow for near-zero cost duplication of music have caused unprecedented change in the way music fans relate to our music. In the face of this change, the knee jerk reaction is to blame our listeners and call them pirates. That misses the point entirely. And, it's a non-creative solution. But, we're creative people and as such, we need to work with users to find creative solutions. So to music lovers everywhere, please communicate with your favorite musicians and tell us precisely what you want and how much you value it. We're listening like never before!
9:35:40 AM     

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