Robb Beal's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 4/10/02; 9:57:54 AM.


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Tuesday, March 5, 2002

Sharing of music is a deeply rooted human desire. This desire should be reflected in the personal computer.

A group of really smart, thoughtful technologists spent a lot of nights and weekends over the past couple of years conceiving of a secure, scalable system that facilitates voluntary payments of digital works. We called it Tipster.

The best starting point is here:

Some of the latest thinking can be found here:$6155?mode=day

A group of artists and/or a platform vendor could bring it to market with a modest $250K (US) investment.

It's my dream to see this realized.
9:14:22 AM     

Thin mints are evil!
8:55:13 AM     

© Copyright 2002 Robb Beal.

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