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Wednesday, January 2, 2002

Revenue streams are interesting things.  The question I'm grappling with right now is "How many revenue streams does it take to free me from my corporate shackles?"  The answer, as it is to many things, is "it depends."  A financial advisor might ask you "What are your goals?"  Here are mine:

1.  Total net margins must be greater than or equal to 75% of my current net income.

2.  Total time spent administering and building the revenue streams must be less than or equal to 75% of the total time I spend at my corporate job.

3.  100% initial ownership and future dillusion never dropping my ownership below 51%.

4.  I must allow myself to devote time to continuing my formal education in pursuit of my doctorate.

5.  Work 100% of the time from home while not in meetings or traveling.

What would allow me to do something like this?  Here are a few ideas:

1.  Personal area wireless networks.  Subscription based internet access services for the large last mile black holes that aren't covered by DSL or Cable.  These areas are usually very sizable.  When aggregate, they would represent a sizable subscriber base to be purchased or converted later.

2.  Radio Tools.  Where do you think I came up with that one?  K-logging, network monitoring and management, press release monitoring, and URL watching to get started.  I don't have as much control over the pricing as I do the others because I have to sell through the Userland channel.

3.  Consulting.  Vendor specific consulting on storage management and Radio implementations would be cool.  The margins would have to be right for this, but it could nicely fill the gap while recurring revenue streams are being established.

4.  Home automation packages.  This is really an extension and convergence of the Personal Area Wireless Networks and Radio tools.  This would be a hybrid consulting and recurring revenue source.  It would also be a great vehicle for getting into home and beginning the appliance management and consolidation revolution.

I figure I'll start with the first two and see how things progress into the last two.  This is all about baby steps.  I want to get the first Personal Area Wireless Network up and running by March with at least 50 subscribers.  I'll be writing this plan over the weekend, or before if time allows.

  3:14:40 PM   comments ()  

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Last update: 7/1/03; 7:34:33 AM.

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