Wednesday, February 6, 2002

I apologize for the bad link text on my posting from Garth Kidd's site yesterday. Here is a link to the site itself, with proper links.

Charles Miller is having some problems finding developer docs for Radio, and Dave Winer helps out with a way to look at information in Radio.root (followup message here). Guy Bjerke also contributes to this thread.

David Kurtz finds a way to change text editors on the Mac for Radio.

Michael Murry updates his customLinks tool.

Roland Tanglao is doing a great job in covering developments in the Radio world.

David Davies is a busy web services man, working on Manila-Radio integration and searching of RSS feeds. Wish I could be doing some of this...maybe soon!

Bill Bumgarner has some thoughts on the Radio development enviroment.
6:09:16 AM