Duncan's Radio-controlled Weblogs : Navig8, Aggreg8, Syndic8, and Radio8
Updated: 2/2/02; 12:32:23 am.


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Sunday, January 20, 2002

Events Log: "Upstream Can't upstream because "Can't write stream because TCP/IP error code -3158 - An event occurred - call OTLook().""

The above error seems to have been cleared by stoping, then restarting, Radio's webserver. Probably caused by a different IP address assigned when I redialed in to my ISP.

I wish Radio were more intelligent in its handling of changes to IP addresses. Other internet apps seem to cope - Eudora, IE, etc., - so I guess it'll be fixed in due course.
10:51:49 PM    

Robert Barksdale - Radio X Neophyte: "This week the Radio UserLand Community has seen contributions from around the world. David Davies is helping us deliver our message to the web via e-mail. Mark Paschal has developed a search feature we can utilize with our blog. RadioExpress, by Mike Krus, simplfies adding news to our Radio weblog. Duncan Smeed liked RadioExpress so much that he collaborated with Mike to enhance the functionality for IE5 and Mozilla users."

I'm really not worthy since it the other guys in that list put far more effort into their Radio enhancements than I. I just try to stand on the shoulders of luminaries in the Radio community rather than on their toes.

Thanks Robert. You deserve an accolade too for the amount of help you're giving the Radio newbie community.
10:35:21 PM    

JavaWorld: Macworld: Java is alive and well on the Mac. “It becomes more and more difficult to tell a Java-based Mac OS X application from a native application. Java developers can truly target multiple platforms with a single application.” [mac.scripting.com]
5:27:30 PM    

Apple - Mac OS X - Technologies - Security
5:22:16 PM    

BW Online | January 18, 2002 | Toward a Hack-Proof Mac
5:14:52 PM    

Mac Net Journal: "Mac Net Journal : Making the most of working with Mac OS X"
5:12:10 PM    

Drones and Clones: "I've fixed the HTML and CSS to work identically with Netscape 6.ïFCA Instead of using multiple divs and z-order, the main content div now has a background-image."
5:10:12 PM    

Installed the Mac OS X version of Radio. Installed as a 're-install' keeping the old usernum, etc.

Here's what I did to reconstruct the same environment as the Mac OS 9.2.2 version I've been using up until now:

  1. Did a 're-install' when setting up.
  2. Updated radio.root
  3. Went offine and disabled upstreaming
  4. Quit Radio
  5. Replaced the X Data Files folder by copying across the 9.2.2 Data Files folder
  6. Replaced the X Tools folder by copying across the 9.2.2 Tools folder
  7. Replaced the X www folder by copying across the 9.2.2 www
  8. Launched X Radio
  9. DID NOT replace X radio.root since it's not exactly the same as the 9.2.2 radio.root. Hopefully, all the configuration and pref details are held elsewhere. I think so. Luckily I hadn't (really) made changes to the old radio.root.
  10. All seems well so far.
  11. About to connect, Go Online, and Enable Upstreaming...
  12. ...all working. Lots of files getting upstreamed.
  13. The Manila-Blogger Bridge is doing its stuff - http://www.smeed.org/cruxial/ is getting updated.
  14. Looks like we are in business. Cool!

Observations about the new X install:

  • Initial (re-)install went without a hitch.
  • Replacing the folders named above seems to have preserved the old behaviour/configs/prefs.
  • Thank goodness that the X version of Mac IE5.1 doesn;t suffer (as badly) from the sluggishness that the 9.2.2 version of IE did.
  • Since there isn't an OS X version of Opera 5 (yet), I'll prbably revert back to IE as my default browser. Besides, Opera 5 - despite being fast - lacked some of the functionality of IE that I rely on. In particular, it's DOM support that meant bookmarklets were limited in functionality. No document.getSelection for instance.

Post'ed (and subsequently Publish'ed and later Edit'ed) this message.
4:20:21 PM    

Simon Fell on Radio Extensibility: "Although I've used Manila and Frontier before, this is the first time I've a taken a real look at the scripting facilities of Radio/Frontier. As it took a while to find the right set of incantations, i thought i'd document them here for future Radio scripting newbies."
2:02:43 PM    

Just installed the latest beta: Radio UserLand : Mirroring to a Non-News-Item-Oriented Manila Site

But when I tried to Refresh Code... I get the error 'The file "system" wasn't found.' from system.verbs.builtins.Frontier.tools.install in

bundle { //store tool info in the temp table
 local (adrtempdata = @system.temp.Frontier.tools.[frontier.tools.cleanToolName (name)]);
 if not defined (adrtempdata^) {
  new (tableType, adrtempdata)};
 if not defined (adrtempdata^.lastModified) {
  adrtempdata^.lastModified = file.modified (f)};

[Update:according to Dave in a reply on the radio-dev list it's cosmetic and the code installed anyhow.]
12:26:31 AM    

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