Duncan's Radio-controlled Weblogs : Navig8, Aggreg8, Syndic8, and Radio8
Updated: 2/2/02; 12:32:27 am.


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Monday, January 21, 2002

There is definitely something funny going on. Even though I've updated the home page recently, I am only seeing old content. Is this really a caching issue in the proxy server at work. Time will tell since this message will crop up in the http://radio.weblogs.com/0001247/2002/01/21.html post too.

Let's see....

Update: Yep, http://radio.weblogs.com/0001247/2002/01/21.html shows the new content but http://radio.weblogs.com/0001247/index.html is stuck in a time-warp. Don't see why any cache would be so aggressive on the index.html but at the same time allow the new 2002/01/21.html through.

Tentative conclusion: it's a problem at Userland's end.
12:25:04 PM    

This is just a test to see if the X version of Radio - and my settings - cope with upstreaming behind a proxy.
11:07:19 AM    

"Here's a tip if you're running a home network behind a cable modem router, or some other type of gateway, and you're using private IP addresses. Setup a caching DNS server somewhere on the network and configure it to also resolve all your local network names.

If you're running Mac OS X you can do it on you local machine. Mac OS X comes with Bind, you just need to configure it and turn it on. Setting up Bind isn't easy if you're not familiar with it, but this is a pretty good guide for Mac OS X http://www.qwerta.com/macosx-bind-howto.html..." [Inspirational Technology]
12:37:56 AM    

Macslash has an interesting discussion underway about Using A Mac As A FileServer. I run a very low-end server on my home network - a PowerBook 3400c/120 running OS 9.1 that I can connect to with either of our OS X-based PowerBooks... [Mac Net Journal]
12:17:45 AM    

One for my subscription list: Inspirational Technology: "Kimbro Staken's views on Mac OS X, XML databases, and other inspirational technologies."

It's a pleasure to see so many intelligent people weblogging. Kimbro's weblog is one I just stumbled across a couple of minutes ago. No doubt it'll be a regular read from now on.

It's almost addictive. You have to wonder just how many really good weblogs you're missing out on ;-)
12:10:36 AM    

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