Friday, April 12, 2002
Rock. I haven't really paid any attention to the Interactive Fiction scene for a few years, but today Mark Pilgrim mentioned having lunch with Stephen Granade (a text adventure author and a pretty visible figure in the Interactive Fiction scene) so of course I had to see what he was up to these days.
That in turn led me back to the IF Arcvive and the Zoom interpreter for MacOS X. Zoom allows you to play classic Infocom games or modern text adventures written in Inform.
10:35:54 PM
I'm staying home this weekend and I'm hoping to be very productive when it comes to all the projects (computer and otherwise) I've got floating around in my head. We'll see how that goes. The main thing is that it's finally Friday. Yes.
4:48:50 PM
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Jason Gilman.
Last update:
4/12/02; 4:48:52 PM.