Jason Gilman's Radio Weblog
Moving right along...

Monday, April 29, 2002
New Apple Hardware

Holy cow, the eMac has landed. I think this machine is probably a lot better suited for our labs here at work than the new iMac. Plus it's got a bigger screen. Cool. 10:29:31 AM    

Today was a pretty lazy Sunday. I watched a lot of NBA basketball and fiddled around on my computer. Mary and I did get in a nice long evening walk along High Drive again though so I guess it wasn't entirely lazy.

I also discovered what happens when you improperly connect the jumper cables on a dead battery while I was trying to get my mom's pick up running again. For some strange reason someone (most likely my dad) had put a large red felt washer on top of the negative contact and I foolishly assumed it was the positive (negative should be black). I thought it seemed a little unusual for the final clamp to spark so much when I connected it, but I ignored it. I knew something was really wrong after the engine still didn't do anything when I turned the ignition and the cables actually were starting to smoke. A quick inspection after I removed the jumpers (with a hotpad) revealed my mistake. Live and learn. 10:11:36 AM    

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Last update: 4/29/02; 10:11:37 AM.
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