Jason Gilman's Radio Weblog
Moving right along...

Thursday, April 25, 2002
I started playing with Zoe (think google for all your email) today and it seems pretty clever both in design and practice. I'm really curious to see just what kind of connections start appearing as I import more of my old email into the system. Unfortunately, unless I'm completely missing something (which is entirely possible thanks to the sketchy documentation) I don't see an obvious way to get your email back out of the system yet. 9:11:45 PM    
Greek mystery virus spreads

This is kind of scary. I hope Greek authorities able to get this outbreak under control and identified before it turns into something really serious and more people start dying.

I also found the Athens diocese's comments in response to the question of the virus being spread via Holy Communion to be particularly disturbing: It should be considered blasphemous, to say the least, to consider it possible that epidemic ailments could be transferred through holy communion and endanger human life

Um, we don't live in the dark ages any more. If the virus spreads via saliva, sharing a spoon, chalice, or whatever among a group of people is an excellent way for it to spread. 9:59:49 AM    

I had started to post something about Chimera being fast, beautiful, and standards compliant, but then it crashed. Bummer. It certainly is all of those three things, but buggy and incomplete are two factors that are still part of the usage equation that you may want to weigh at this early stage. If you're a bleeding-edger like me that's probably okay. 9:11:50 AM    

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Last update: 4/25/02; 9:11:52 AM.
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