Finishing Up
I am into the final stages of a 3 month Manila consulting gig. It is easily the most complex Manila site that I have ever done. The design had eight permutations on a basic theme with up to three sub-levels beneath each permutation. The current site is composed of 27 Manila sites, with eight membership groups.
The whole site was created using 4 basic themes.
The site should go live in at the end of the month.
To manage the site, I needed to develop a new Admin tool that allows the site administrators to add new members, delete members, and set editorial privileges on multiple sites at one time.
Here are a couple of screen shots from the Admin tool:
Edit Member Screenshot
This page allows you to delete multiple members across multiple sites on the server. It also gives you access to the edit privileges page.
Edit Privileges Screenshot
This screenshot shows the interface for editing a members privileges. You get a list of all of the sites that the person is a member of and their level of editorial control. You can use this page to quickly change the users editorial access across multiple sites.
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