There is Evil in the world. We know this, we see it constantly. Humans are the most evil species that have populated the earth. We recognize evil and allow it to exist.
We have written books on how we should cope with each other, and we use these books to justify killing each other. Is there a better definition of Evil?
How do you combat Evil. Start by recognizing that we aren't special. Humans think that they are lords of the Earth. We think that we can control the Earth, decide who lives and who dies. As long was we believe that we are special, we will be Evil.
We don't control the Earth. The Earth controls itself. We live on this planet along with millions other species. Millons of interactions between species allows life to flurish. To think that we control it is folly. As we try to control it, we will fail and kill our planet. And that will be the greatest Evil.
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