Updated: 12/6/06; 8:33:13 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

BART San Jose extension money gets committee approval. It is part of a $45 million package approved by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, whose members include Rep. [San Jose, CA - Topix.net]

The brain dead BART proposal continues to move forward. I would like to say that it is beyond my understanding why anyone would build a transit extension that avoids the airport or the thousands of jobs in north San Jose. Unfortunately, I know full well why the BART extension is moving forward. The BART extension is a bone to the developers who contribute heavily to local politics.

The BART extension is not about traffic relief, it is about creating "Smart Growth" opportunities.
12:54:29 PM    
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Three U.S. Soldiers Killed in Ambushes in Iraq (Reuters). Reuters - Two U.S. soldiers were killed and four wounded in two separate attacks on convoys in Iraq on Thursday, the U.S. military said. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

24 American Soldiers have died in Iraq in the last week, bringing the total to 590. With the numbers continuing to climb, it is time to hold the current administration accountable for placing our soldiers in harms way with no clear way out.
11:29:29 AM    
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