Live giant squid caught on camera: "A live, adult giant squid is captured on film in the depths of the Pacific Ocean for the first time."
(Via BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition.)
While it is cool that they captured the photos, the method employed, a lure and hook to snag the squid, is not.
Kubodera and Mori took more than 550 images of the giant squid as it made repeated attempts to detach itself.
The pictures show the squid spreading its arms, enveloping the long-line and swimming away in its efforts to struggle free.
Finally, four hours and 13 minutes after it was first snagged, the attached tentacle broke off, allowing the squid to escape. The researchers retrieved a 5.5m portion with the line.
Imagine a 4 hour video of a coyote trying to get out of a leg-hold trap. Squid and octopuses have the highest level of intelligence in invertebrates, which may rival dogs and cats (my cats at least). The treatment was cruel and unnecessary. Using just a lure, the researchers could have got the shots they needed.
I am scientist and support increasing our understanding of the world through scientific research. But it cannot be done in a cruel and condescending manner.
12:16:27 AM