Updated: 4/9/02; 7:53:29 PM.

 Russ Lipton Documents Radio
simplex veri sigillum

daily link  Monday, February 25, 2002

Control and Creativity by Lawrence Lessig.

"Copyright was originally simply a restriction on commercial entities, regulating “publishers” and those who “vend” “maps, charts and books.”

Because the law slipped into using the term “copy” in 1909, it has now extended its reach to every act of duplication, by printing press or computer memory. It now therefore covers actions far beyond the “commercial” exploitation of anything."

  feedback:   11:27:31 AM  permalink  

Dave is critiquing the New York Times for its typically shallow coverage of the weblog fad - I always run when that word comes into play.

The article concludes with the kind of misunderstanding which demonstrates the writer didn't take the time to learn anything significant about Radio:

"If you want to communicate with people, e-mail it to them," Mr. Hurst said. "Don't force them to come to your site every day to read what you've written."

Two words: news aggregation.

A concept: publish-and-subscribe.


  feedback:   9:14:03 AM  permalink  

What Is Publish and Subscribe?

(I borrow shamelessly from the insights of others in the best tradition of blogging.)

  feedback:   9:10:54 AM  permalink  

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Copyright 2002 © Russ Lipton.
Last update: 4/9/02; 7:53:29 PM.