Updated: 4/9/02; 7:53:44 PM.

 Russ Lipton Documents Radio
simplex veri sigillum

daily link  Thursday, February 28, 2002

New Architect: Organized Chaos. Peter Meholz. This is where the principles of emergent systems come in. As centralized schemes grow unwieldy over time, it makes sense to create an alternative information environment where elements are organized according to a few simple rules about how users interact with that information. [Tomalak's Realm]

I usually find 'emergence' one of those concepts like 'artificial intelligence' - how about coming up with some human intelligence first? Emergence is too often a code-word for tagging a phenomenon we can't explain while making it sound profound.

Emergence! Yeah, man, give me a hit of that stuff ....

In this case, we may learn lessons from Slashdot and Amazon.Com about pushing community knowledge-sharing from the center to the edge.

I have been thinking quite a bit about the vast quantity of Radio knowledge pouring out the edge of the galaxy and wondering how it can be better captured and broadcast to all. This helps me focus my day-dreaming though I am not quite sure either model fits the Radio community exactly.

  feedback:   12:12:28 PM  permalink  

Gee, with nifty comments so readily available under each Radio post, I will be grateful for any feedback on the most pressing needs for end-user documentation. Ideas?

(Sure, we all need ongoing help with databases, scripting, tools and such as well but I want to focus on Radio for mom and sis first. Besides, the long-standing Radio developer community is always ready to help us there on the discussion forum).

I overlook nothing in principle. Even working within the WYSIWYG browser editing widget must be covered in due course. Much can be linked from existing Manila documentation but additional redundancy and integration with Radio documentation never hurts.

We're not killing trees, after all - spoken as a recent immigrant to the Northwest.

  feedback:   11:42:27 AM  permalink  

How To Update Radio, including a short ode to the cavemen (cavepersons)?  feedback:   9:00:18 AM  permalink  

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Last update: 4/9/02; 7:53:44 PM.