By the way, Dale Chihuly is one of my favorite artists. If you're not familiar with his work, do yourself a favor and check it out. 9:48:34 PM Double ick.
Looking at some of these pictures on the web, I'm feeling pretty lucky. Some of these people's eyesare are blood red from one side to the other. Mine is a large red spot on the side of my eye, nearly obscured by my eyelid. Hope it doesn't spread too much. 9:25:23 PM Ick. I think I gave myself a subconjunctival hemorrhage (broken blood vessel in the eye) from all the allergy induced eye rubbing I've been doing. Does anyone have any experience with this? It's never happened to me before. Everything I read saus it will heal itself in 10-14 days unless there is pain or swelling, in which case I should immediately seek out an eye doctor.
There's no pain or swelling, so it looks likes I'll live, but I say still say this is one more reason all the cottonwood trees should be burned to the ground! 9:10:32 PM