1) Shoot a roll of Ilford XP2 Super to send to Paul Frankenstein, my partner in the Photojunkie Film Exchange project. I'll be using a 2) Buy some spiffy new clothes. Currently if they're not dockers for work or cargo pants for play, I don't own 'em. Maybe I should buy some blue jeans?
and 3) Go to a party with the new girl--thats Johnny Cash girl to those who have been paying attention. 9:49:54 PM Happy Hannukah! Even though the holiday came rediculously early this year, I love it. Turkey one day, dreidle the next, a week of presents, two weeks off, and the another round of presents from my Christian friends :) Plus it gives me an excuse to listen to Adam Sandler's hilarious Hannukah Song.
Oh, and Steph, thanks for the card! 9:45:33 PM