Updated: 4/9/04; 10:56:07 PM.
A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Weblog
An attempt to use Radio to further my goal for world domination through the study of biology, computing and knowledge management.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Random: Terrorist Group Comes Out in Support of Dubya. A terrorist organization in Spain claiming to have ties to al-Qaeda said they hope Bush wins re-election.

The main topic of the story is that the group is calling for Spain to pull out of Iraq, saying that they will stop their attacks to see what the new party in power will do.

Farther down the article, however, they quote another statement from the... [morons.org headlines]

What to make of the Reuters article, which reports that the putative Al-Queda group wants Bush to be elected because he 'deals with matters by force rather than with wisdom,' while they fear Kerry because 'he and the Democrats have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and Muslim nation as civilization.'

Frankly, how can you believe anything such monsters write. Their grasp of realpolitick is pretty lousy.  comment []12:27:10 AM    

JAG Lawyers Critical of Tribunal Rules. Opposition to the military's rules for trying enemy combatants and detainees is coming from an unusual source: Military lawyers. The... [TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime]"B"

I smiled reading about the military lawyers who dislike the way the military tribunals will be run. Check this out:

In a brief they submitted to the Supreme Court, Cmdr. Swift wrote a section comparing the president with King George III and likening the treatment of tribunal defendants to the injustices that helped spark the American Revolution.
I love it when the military rightly shows themselves to have a better sense of history and perspective than the civilian appointees who care only about re-election.  comment []12:17:18 AM    

Flashmobs with a purpose: Protests in Madrid organized by SMS, chatrooms: "In Spain today, thousands gathered in the streets demanding answers from their government about this week's deadly terrorist attacks in Madrid. Bloggers in Spain tell BoingBoing the gatherings were decentralized "flash mobs", organized primarily by short text messages sent via Internet-capable mobile devices, and online in chatrooms and weblog forums." [Boing Boing] [Universal Rule]

this is the fisrt I have heard that the spanish demonstrators were flash mobs. The new technology overcame the state-run old media, which were sticking to the story the government wanted and was not publisizing the marches at all. New technology allowed them to organize and move. Pretty interesting.  comment []12:11:31 AM    

This is how PowerPoint was born. Background on Microsoft PowerPoint: "Although now a Microsoft product, PowerPoint was originally developed by Bob Gaskins, a former Berkeley Ph.D. student who envisioned an easy-to-use presentation program that would manipulate a string of single pages, or "slides". [...] PowerPoint 1.0 was released in 1987 and was originally only available for the Apple Macintosh, and only in black-and-white. It generated text-and-graphics pages that a photocopier could turn into overhead transparencies."

I didn't realize that PowerPoint was first a Mac product, in the same way as Excel was. And that originally PowerPoint was not a Microsoft product. [Universal Rule]

I knew this.MS has made its fortune on the backs of sftware created elsewhere. Not a bad business model but not a very creative one.  comment []12:09:32 AM    

In Rumsfeld's own words: "Mm-hmm. It--my view of--of the situation was that he--he had--we--we believe, the best intelligence that we had and other countries had and that--that we believed and we still do not know--we will know." [Salon.com] [Universal Rule]

What he said.  comment []12:05:43 AM    

bush blunder. Big George W. blunder on the news here last night. The Dutch prime minister visited the oval office yesterday. The press was positioned on the inside as Jan-Peter Balkenende knocked on the other side. In the footage show last night (watch it here) Bush is heard asking an off-camera aid: "Who?, well write his name down, I can't remember all that...hey! [door opens] John Peter! Glad you're here!" Great foreign relations move. [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]

An open mike moment that does not show him in the best light. I figure someone who made a big error for the photo op will be looking for a new job shortly.  comment []12:04:26 AM    

A New Day.
Governor Dean Launches "Democracy for America"

SEATTLE--In a speech here today, former Democratic presidential candidate Governor Howard Dean, M.D., announced that he was launching a new political organization, "Democracy for America," to support progressive causes and candidates and continue the grassroots activism that powered his presidential campaign.

"We will begin with this proposition. In 2004, to start taking back America, we must take back the White House. We must expose and defeat George W. Bush and his radical agenda. Our new enterprise will help in every way possible. We intend to focus on key battleground states, mobilizing our national network of supporters and the groundbreaking organizing tools we developed during our campaign. We will help some with support through our political action committee. I will travel to speak on behalf of candidates. We will put to work our national grassroots network and organizing tools to help candidates win," Dean said.

In his remarks here today at the Westin Hotel's Cascade Ballroom, Dean laid out the four founding principles for Democracy for America: (1) a commitment to a strong, sustained grassroots involvement in democracy; (2) a commitment to promoting an America where candidates and office holders tell the truth about policy choices and stand up for what they believe; (3) a commitment to fighting against the influence and agenda of the two pillars of George W. Bush's Washington: the far right wing and their radical, divisive policies, and the selfish special interests who for too long have dominated politics; and (4) a commitment to fighting for progressive policies, like health care for all, investment in children, equal rights under the law, fiscal responsibility, and a national security policy that makes America stronger by advancing progressive values.

"It's clear that George W. Bush is a failed president. On George Bush's watch, America has lost three million jobs, including many good manufacturing jobs that have gone overseas. There are solutions to this challenge. But George W. Bush shuns the labor and environmental standards that would make global trade work better and protect more American jobs," Dean said, in remarks as prepared for delivery.

"The first round of Bush television ads was widely condemned for seeking to exploit the 9-11 tragedy. But what was also troubling was the effort in these ads to blame the weak economy on someone else-maybe President Clinton, but not George W. Bush. He's been President for three years and two months, and yet the weak economy is someone else's fault. That's not leadership; it's abdication," he continued.

"I will do everything I can to help John Kerry beat George W. Bush in 2004, to revitalize grassroots democracy, and to move America in a better direction," Dean said. "To defeat George W. Bush, we must stand up strong for our principles, not paper over our differences with the most radical Administration in our lifetime. To win, we must aggressively expose the ways in which George W. Bush's policies benefit the privileged and the most extreme ideologues. To win, we must confidently advance a policy agenda rooted in hope and real American values--opportunity, integrity, and community."

Dean explained that Democracy for America would have five goals:

1. Recruit and encourage progressive candidates to run for office at every level. We will help them find the resources to campaign successfully with small donations from grassroots supporters, to begin to break the stranglehold special interests have on the political process.

2. Raise funds for Congressional candidates for whom financial support could be the key to winning, and whose election will be key to winning back a House of Representatives that has become the tool of the Republican right wing.

3. Develop strategic partnerships with other progressive organizations to maximize resources for candidate recruitment, training, and organization.

4. Build relationships with other political initiatives to focus on the failed, destructive policies of the Bush administration.

5. Harness the power of the Internet to enlarge and support our grassroots organization committed to taking back America from special interests that control the right wing leadership of our Congress and the White House.

Dean explained that he also hoped to encourage supporters to continue their efforts through Dean Corps, the former campaign's grassroots community service effort, and to get involved in local politics. He also thanked the more than 600,000 Americans who had supported his presidential bid, saying, "We may not have won the nomination. But you changed the debate in 2004. You toughened the Democratic message and readied this Party to challenge George W. Bush. And you have changed politics forever, showing that a campaign that is truly powered by ordinary Americans can emerge from nowhere and build support."

The complete text of the governor's remarks, as well as more information and the ability to sign-up for Democracy for America's email list is at www.democracyforamerica.com.

Dean will speak about Democracy for America later today in San Francisco, and in New York City tomorrow. The details of the New York event are:

Democracy for America Announcement Speech
March 19, 2004 - 11:30 am EST
Tishman Auditorium
The New School
66 West 12th Street

Use this outline at your local events tonight as a platform for discussion on the future of our organization.

[Blog for America]

Well, we know what he will be doing. I wonder just how well this will work. It should keep him off the streets and may even be something interesting to do.  comment []12:02:18 AM    

Secret Supporters. Tim Dunlop reminds us that once upon a time Colin Powell was bragging about countries which secretly supported the war in Iraq, the names of which he couldn't reveal.

SECRETARY POWELL: Well, one, we didn't put together just the coalition of the willing. A coalition is always a coalition of the willing. And this particular coalition of the willing now has 47 nations; 47 nations are openly members of the coalition, and have asked to be identified with this effort. And there are many other nations that for a variety of reasons don't want to be publicly identified, but are also a part of the coalition of the willing.

Powell recently:

Secretary of State Powell yesterday challenged Kerry to name names. Interviewed on "Fox New Sunday," Powell said if Kerry can't list names, he should -- quote -- "find something else to talk about."

So when they want to hide the identities of THEIR foreign leaders, that is okay. But it is a bad thing to do when Kerry does it. I'd love some reporter to bring this up at the next press briefing.  comment []12:00:06 AM    

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Last update: 4/9/04; 10:56:07 PM.