Updated: 4/9/04; 10:56:09 PM.
A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Weblog
An attempt to use Radio to further my goal for world domination through the study of biology, computing and knowledge management.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The industry to fashion a pillow large enough for the rest of the world to bite?. The industry to fashion a pillow large enough for the rest of the world to bite? - Be advised that... [Unqualified Offerings]

This should be very interesting. How many will look at this and miss the satire (which is pretty nice satire. Check out this page.) I am sure some will believe this is real. Of course, it would only be ironic if the donated money.  comment []9:56:55 PM    

The Gates of Hell. Just to prove that you can always make a bad situation worse, Israel has killed the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas, the Palestinian fundamentalist resistance/terrorist group: Israel kills Hamas leader Israeli helicopter gunships have fired missiles at Hamas' spiritual... [Whiskey Bar]

I do not think that this is going to make us safer in the near term. And it will only make us safer in the long term if this wheel chair bound man is not replaced by even worse.  comment []9:42:38 PM    

Just wondering. If John Kerry is unfit to be President because in 1995 he proposed reducing the intelligence budget by 1%, then what is John Ashcroft doing still in the AG's slot, having having taken terrorism off the list of DoJ priorities... [Mark A. R. Kleiman]

Exactly. before 9/11, this Administration was also trying to reduce spending on anti-terrorism. So why bag Kerry when they were as bad or much worse?  comment []9:40:45 PM    

Slime & defend hits Richard Clarke. Just checked in with one of my pro-war, pro-Bush national security expert friends. Here's what I learned: 1. Clarke is the real deal. 2. What he says is convincing. 3. What he says makes the Bush team look very bad.... [Mark A. R. Kleiman]

First of all, Clarke's book is not coming out now because he wanted it to. Appears that the publication of the book was delayed 3 months because of the White House security clearance. So it is very possible that they knew what was going to be in the book before any of us did.

Also, what kind of mental defect is it to have a chief of terrorism and then keep him out of the loop (as Cheney says they did), if fighting terrorism was so important to the Administration before 9/11? Why not just get rid of him if they did not like his work? If we believe the slime machine, we are supposed to be comforted that this Administration kept incompetent, puerile, partisan or unethical people on their staff? So far, that is what they claimed Clarke and Linsey were, as well as Ambassador Wilson and several others. Nice of them to hire so many awful employees. Seems to me we either believe what a large number of former employees say or we believe that this administration does a really poor job with its staffing choices. Neither one reflects well on the Administration.  comment []9:29:35 PM    

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Last update: 4/9/04; 10:56:09 PM.