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Friday, August 30, 2002

PHP and Web Services (pdf). WEB SERVICES ARE ONE OF THE MOST talked-about technologies of the day. They are set to change how data is exchanged on the Internet as the Internet itself evolves to deliver content not only to web browsers on PCs but also to PDAs and other devices. Further still, the evolution of “Internet-ready” software and hardware will see web services being used in applications such as MP3 players, personal stereos, and game consoles. PHP is a great language for developing web services, and this chapter shows you just what a web service is and how it is made up.Then we will look at how you can use PHP to develop web services.

"tri" This is a sample chapter from Andrew Stopford's excellent book on PHP Programming for Windows.

[PHP Everywhere]
4:49:38 PM  Permalink  comment []

Support for First Amendment Down

 Support for the First Amendment has eroded significantly since Sept. 11 and nearly half of Americans now think the constitutional amendment on free speech goes too far in the rights it guarantees, says a poll released Thursday. [From Privacy Digest]

This relates well to the piece I cited the other day, from Slate, about the dangers of having the Supreme Court go with the way the winds of popular opinion are blowing. The Constitution is there to help prevent us from damaging what freedoms we do have at times of "crisis."

 The poll found that 49 percent think the First Amendment goes too far, a total about 10 points higher than in 2001.

So, if the Constitution weren't difficult to change, we'd in theory be just a few percentage points now from losing what it is that makes the country worth saving.

 They found that 48 percent of respondents agreed the government should have the freedom to monitor religious groups in the interest of national security - even if that means infringing upon the religious freedom of the group's members. Forty-two percent said the government should have more authority to monitor Muslims.

To those who might feel this way: remember that today it's someone else's religion. If he wind changes a little bit, tomorrow it could be your religion, or those without religion. If the US government has the right to monitor Muslims, then that implies that Muslim governments have the right to monitor Christians.

Sixty-three percent rated the job the American educational system does in teaching students about First Amendment freedoms as either "fair" or "poor." Five percent rated the educational system's job in this area as excellent.
Well, this poll proves the first sentence there. The people who think the First Amendment goes too far are obviously the result of the poor eductional system.

4:40:46 PM  Permalink  comment []

Granny You Get Up On Top of the Boat

Yesterday afternoon, All Things Considered played the old radio classic from the National Lampoon Radio Hour. It's the documentary of the Hillbillie Migration from Europe to the US. Classic stuff, very funny; I don't think I've heard it in 25 years, but I remembered many of the jokes. Well worth a listen, and I wish someone more dedicated than I would transcribe the thing and put it on the web.
4:23:37 PM  Permalink  comment []

Houses of Worship Political Speech Protection Act

People for the American Way has a new action alert on HR 2357 would change federal tax law to allow houses of worship to endorse political candidates and to contribute to political campaigns.  Go to this site to learn more and to send an email or letter to your representative. It seems clear to me that government should not be involved in religion: if a religion is tax-exempt, it shouldn't be endorsing candidates. I can't imagine anyone wanting to go to church and hear "good Catholics (or baptists or whatever) only vote for this candidate."
9:38:28 AM  Permalink  comment []


scifibooks. SciFan: Books & Links for the Science Fiction Fan A nicely done site by some real science fiction fans.... [Moon Farmer]
Yeah, this does look good. It drives me crazy that most sf sites focus on crappy movies instead of good books. Or even crappy books.
9:27:05 AM  Permalink  comment []

Hate, American Style. The Rev. Matt Hale, America's scariest hatemonger, would probably be flattered to hear his "church" referred to as America's Al Qaeda. By Nicholas D. Kristof. [New York Times: Opinion]

Makes me wanna puke. This is the absolute worst thing about America.

[michael britten's Loftware]
9:19:56 AM  Permalink  comment []

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