Charles Murtaugh Thinks Liberals Hate Devout Christians. But they shouldn't because, well, like, some black people are devout Christians.whatever. [Eschaton]
Eschaton's rant is a good one, and there's not much reason to add to it. As an atheist liberal, I don't hate Christians. I do have contempt for those who want to use tax dollars to foist their religion down our throats. I do have contempt for those who think that because some collection of stories written down thousands of years ago gives one fairy tale about the origin of the earth that we should turn our back on science. I do have contempt for those who use their version of god for personal or political gain and use it to condemn those with different beliefs. I have contempt for those who think they are waging a holy war, no matter what god tells them to wage that war. But of course, in all these things, that's a minority. I have no contempt for those who beliveve, but who also know that others can believe different things without being evil.
11:55:46 AM Permalink