Tuesday, June 08, 2004 |
Bill: Forgive politicization from the pulpit. "Churches that mistakenly mix religious and political activity would face reduced fines but keep their tax-exempt status under a provision in a corporate tax bill the House is to consider this week. The proposal, which could invalidate the strict separation of religion and politics in current tax laws, was introduced by House Republicans the same week President Bush's re-election campaign targeted 1,600 Pennsylvania congregations to recruit voters."... [Rational Review News Digest]
11:14:02 PM Permalink
Ashcroft Transcript. This was an important hearing, the most damning yet in the wake of Abu Ghraib. There are a lot of good parts, and I would encourage one and all to go and do a find for "Leahy" on the page... [The Stakeholder]
8:15:38 PM Permalink
Mr. Sparkle Disrespects Dirt
Here is a page full of Simpson's Ads,
in Japanese. They're shilling for CC Lemon, a drink. It's too bad, as
the page states, that the Simpson's are recognized, in Japan, mostly
for these ads. Well worth a look. I guess it's not surprising, given
that they're speaking in Japanese, that these are the real voices.
11:52:36 AM Permalink
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