Friday, March 11, 2005
Here's a really great thing to do:
- Make a play list of different versions of Mr. Tambourine Man. (There are at least four different official versions, and hundreds of unofficial versions.)
- Listen to them all!
In iTunes it's easy: just type "tambourine man" into the search box, click play, turn off the lights and listen.
Bob Dylan's greatest song? Probably.
11:44:23 PM
NASA To Shut Down Two Interstellar Probes: " NASA Plans to Turn Off Several Satellites, Science (subscription)
'NASA intends to stop operating more than a half-dozen existing science probes at the end of this year, including the famed Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft now racing toward the edge of the solar system. Although space agency officials say no final decisions have been made, the agency's 2006 budget request includes no money for a host of solar and space physics projects that currently cost a total of $23 million annually.' Editor's note:This is certainly shortsighted on NASA's part: humanity shuts down two interstellar probes for want of a trivial amount of money in the overall scheme of things. Perhaps the Drake equation - you know, the one that is used by some to estimate the prevalence and lifespan of technological civilizations in the cosmos - should have a new variable added: budget. "
(Via NASA Watch.) 'Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is fucking insane. Because W wanted to make a speech or two last year about how we should go to Mars and thus look "visionary" we're abandoning cheap science that's already been done and actually teaching us stuff. Feh.
11:34:35 PM
This DrunkenBlog piece about the apparently fraudulent CherryOS is fascinating, and certainly makes a good case for the total bogosity of that effort. What's not answered, of course, and what would be really interesting to find out, is why some people would go so far as to create a fraud like this and not even do a better job of hiding their tracks. Really interesting.
4:00:52 PM
Benefits of beer with burnt meat: "David Pescovitz:
Charred meat contains compounds that can cause cancer. Drinking a glass of beer with that well-done steak may reduce the DNA damage though, according to a new study by Okayama University scientists. The research was conducted on mice using near beer, since alcohol can be carcinogenic on its own and would muddy the data. From Science News:
After a few days of administering the beer diets, the scientists laced some of the animals' food with either of two heterocyclic amines (HCAs)—the carcinogens from cooked meat....Beer diminished by some 40 to 75 percent the number of HCA adducts (abnormal DNA structure) that formed, depending on the type of tissue (studied after dissecting the mouse) and quantity of beer ingredients ingested, the researchers report in the Feb. 9 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Good news for beer drinkers: Both light-colored lager and a darker stout proved protective.
(Via Boing Boing.)
3:40:41 PM
© Copyright 2005 Steve Michel.
Last update: 4/19/2005; 3:45:08 PM.