A reporter finally does his job...: " A reporter finally does his job
David Gregory of NBC pressed President Bush about his Social Security plan, or lack of... Video-QT Video-WMP (Please link to http://www.crooksandliars.com/2005/03/16.html#a1938 for the video) David: Mr. President, you say you're making progress in the Social Security debate. Yet private accounts, as the centerpiece of that plan, something you first campaigned on five years ago and laid before the American people, remains, according to every measure we have, poll after poll, unpopular with a majority of Americans. So the question is, do you feel that this is a point in the debate where it's incumbent upon you, and nobody else, to lay out a plan to the American people for how you actually keep Social Security solvent for the long-term? PRESIDENT: First of all, Dave, let me, if I might correct you, be so bold as to correct you, I have not laid out a plan yet, intentionally. I have laid out principles, I've talked about putting all options on the table, because I fully understand the administration must work with the Congress to permanently solve Social Security. So one aspect of the debate is, will we be willing to work together to permanently solve the issue. Personal accounts do not solve the issue... Bush admits to not having a plan and also acknowledges that private accounts will not help the solvency of Social Security. Gone is the talk about Social Security going bankrupt, and is in crisis. "
(Via Crooks and Liars.)
2:15:49 PM